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Feasting on Knowledge: The Power of 'Lunch & Learn' Sessions at Blackhall Engineering

Blackhall Lunch N Learn

Lunch & learns at UK valve manufacturer Blackhall Engineering – it all goes back to the ancestors. That is according to numerous anthropological studies that have been carried out regarding the reasons and benefits to be gleamed from participating in a shared dining experience. If our ancestors had to be in close proximity of each other when eating, they had to be capable of peaceful interactions. Longer time with one another would have also facilitated some amount of empathy and the ability to read and understand expressions and intentions leading to trust.

There’s a reason then, that we tend to come together with food – at mealtimes, in social gatherings, in public festivities and at our place of work. In many ways it is what ensured the survival of our species. That sense of warmth and belonging at a feast was first recognised millions of years ago when people gathered around the fire to share food at the end of the day.

Eating from the same table can express social solidarity, unity and equality in subtle yet powerful ways. Eating together is a common means of team-building and helps facilitate the exchange of ideas in a conducive atmosphere.

The launch

With this in mind, we thought that as one of the UKs premier valve manufactures, we could tap into this ancient food enabled forging of kinship and share our expertise, during what we’ve decided to call our ‘lunch & learn’ sessions. The idea is to help raise awareness of new products and services, giving us a platform from which to reach out to the major influencers of industry and to showcase our expertise.

What to expect

Sessions are tailored to suit the client and their requirements as the first thing we ask them is “What are you wanting to get or learn from our session?”

We currently have four modules that we are showcasing. Starting with our general Blackhall Engineering corporate presentation, covering products and services; an introduction to BOFIN (Bolting, Operation, Function, Indication and Nip), which deals with how to implement a robust valve inspection routine; VAMP (Valve Asset Maintenance Programme); and TES / VAMP combined (Through Life Engineering Services).

What they achieve

Feedback suggests that attendees are benefitting from the dissemination of our expertise and help with specific client issues – from specifying valve types, our approach to refurbishment through to valve upgrades and modifications.

It’s a win win

We attend bi-monthly British Dam Association events in London and it is through the meetings and presentations there that we have formed strong relationships with major players within the water industry. It gives us the opportunity to talk and acquaint them with our ‘lunch & learn’ sessions. Once they’ve attended one it opens the door for Howard and I being called out to inspect a valve or valves, allowing us to advise and recommend on the working condition of such assets. Kielder Reservoir is a good example of this, where the original valve was originally thought to be irredeemable we were able to recommend a cost-saving refurbishment.


Those that have attended ‘lunch & learns’ have been full of praise. JBA Consulting for example, were impressed by our approach to old valves and their refurbishment.

So, if you’d like to find out more then we recommend that you speak to Dean, who will be more than happy to arrange a ‘lunch & learn’ session for you.

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